These files may be used for those with braille displays, text to speech devices, or, for reprint to be distributed free of charge to those who receive them.
These files may not be reproduced for sale in any form, neither for retail, wholesale, or, implied cost.
The construction and preparation of these files remain the intellectual property of Bibles for the Blind and Visually Handicapped International and must remain free.
See a list of Downloadable BRF files below.
The KJV Bible
The Old Testament
Volume 1--Genesis-Exodus 12
Volume 2 --Exodus 13-Leviticus 27
Volume 3--Numbers-Deuteronomy 16
Volume 4--Deuteronomy 17-Judges 17
Volume 5--Judges 18-2 Samuel 19
Volume 6--2 Samuel 20-2 Kings 21
Volume 7--2 Kings 22-2 Chronicles 31
Volume 8--2 Chronicles 32-Job
Volume 9--Psalms
Volume 10--Proverbs-Isaiah 37
Volume 11--Isaiah 38-Jeremiah 40
Volume 12--Jeremiah 41- Ezekiel 42
Volume 13--Ezekiel 43-Malachai
The New Testament
Volume 14--Matthew-Luke 6
Volume 15--Luke 7-Acts 9
Volume 16--Acts 10-Galatians
Volume 17--Ephesians-Revelation
The Word of Life
The Word of Life is a single hardbound braille volume containing 120 passages of Scripture from both the Old and New Testaments. It is a project that was prayed over from conception to completion and has been a blessing to many. Blind teachers, ministers, personal workers or people who just love to carry the Word of God with them wherever they travel have found The Word of Life to be an invaluable book.
The Gospel of John
The Gospel of John and Romans
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers; the most popular book of daily devotions ever published. Millions of copies of this Christian classic are read every day by believers around the world. If you are typical, you will use this book every day for the rest of your life!
My Utmost for His Highest--Volume 1--January, February, March
My Utmost for His Highest--Volume 2--April, May, June
My Utmost for His Highest--Volume 3--July, August, September
My Utmost for His Highest--Volume 4--October, November, December
Welcome to the Family by Keith Reedy--A getting-started guide for New Christians
Salvation Tracts (English)
What God Wants You to Know by Rev. Paul Levin
A very simple to understand publication explaining: Who is God? What Happens When You Die?, and how Jesus can change your life and assure you a place in Heaven.
God's Good News You Can Go to Heaven by Tom and Peachy Fry
Originally used in a nursing home ministry this is a simple presentation of God's good news-the gospel straight from the Scriptures (Also available in Large Print.)
The Gift by Rev. Paul J. Levin
Describes the gift of salvation that is free to every man woman or child, a gift given freely through the Lord Jesus Christ; but in order for the giving process to be complete Christ's gift must be accepted by you.
God Bless America by Suzie M. Reedy
God's message to America written right after September 11, 2001
Hello, I'm Keith Reedy
The personal testimony of Keith Reedy, director of Bibles for the Blind and Visually Handicapped International. (The print version of this tract is also available.)
I Have Plenty of Time by Rev. Paul J. Levin
The story of Mary, a 19-year old girl who thought she had plenty of time to make peace with God, or did she?
A Rabbi's Testimony
Rabbi Max Wertheimer's account of his journey to peace with God.
Riding the Religious Merry-Go-Round by Paul J. Levin
Merry-go-rounds are fun to ride, but they don't take you anywhere. Many people are attempting to reach heaven by merry-go-rounds, but it is futile. This tract shows us the real way to heaven.
Two Kinds of Death by Rev. Paul J. Levin
In this publication, Rev. Levin, explains the difference between the two kinds of death; physical and spiritual in terms that laymen can understand.
What about Eternal Life by Rev. Paul J. Levin
Rev. Levin explains the difference between "religion" and a personal relationship with God.
Where Are You Going to Spend Eternity? from Fellowship Tract League
A common sense approach to help someone see their need for Christ.
A Would-Be Suicide by Rev. Paul J. Levin
The story of Luther Cook, a symphony percussionist who, although he had a degree of fame and fortune, wound up as a lonely alcoholic contemplating suicide, until he met Someone who could completely change his life and turn him into a "new creature"
Salvation Tracts (Russian)
A Would-Be Suicide by Rev. Paul J. Levin
Bible study software for Mac OSX. This version is optimized for use with Voiceover.
Eloquent (Formerly MacSword)
Braille Hymnal
Soul Stirring Songs and Hymns Volume 1
Soul Stirring Songs and Hymns Volume 2
Soul Stirring Songs and Hymns Volume 3
Soul Stirring Songs and Hymns Volume 4